Article: Diving, inspiration and Memento jewellery

Diving, inspiration and Memento jewellery
Many years ago after getting my diving certification in the Red Sea, Egypt and working in Colorado at Vail ski resort. I thought to myself wouldn’t it be great to be a diving instructor six months out of the year and a snowboard instructor for the other six months. What better way to combine my two passions. Alas other opportunities came and that was put on the back burner.
Since I started making jewellery, I have always wanted to design based on my passions and diving being one of them has eluded me for a while. If you are a diver, one of the first things you do before each dive is to study and chat about the dive map, a drawing showing the depth and layout of your dive. This is what I want to recreate in my diving pieces as part of my Memento collection, a series of topographical maps of countries and cities available online and at selected stockists.
On the 28th September to the 8th October I will be heading to The Great Barrier Reef for a diving trip on a liveaboard (my first time), for some inspiration on this upcoming project.
We will be closed during that time, you can still purchase and get in touch, though all orders will be made from the 8th onwards.
Thanks for reading!
Albert Tse